Stock up on Restaurant Certificates
Books for the Beach
Or wherever you plan to do your summer reading. Personally, most of my reading gets done on the sofa while Comfort and Joy play or draw at the coffee table.
If you are looking around for some fun reading material and perhaps looking for a bit of an escape as well you can't go wrong with the categories at Harlequin. There's everything from cowboys to doctors to tycoons to preachers - and the men aren't bad either;) But seriously. No matter what your level of comfort is with the romance you can't find it at Harlequin. Some of the categories have the relationship end at the bedroom door and others invite you in. You can get a sense of which line is which by reading about them on their e-site, but don't forget to come back here and take advantage of this great deal!! It's definitely a Cool Idea!!
Get a FREE Pass for (500) Days of Summer
Boy meets girl. Boy falls in love. Girl doesn't. Surprising in its outcome, Marc Webb's debut feature film is a charming postmodern reflection on crushing, unrequited love and relationships, dispensed in a nonlinear structure. Starting at day 488, the narration jumps back and forth to different days in the 500-day love affair. From day one Tom (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) is completely smitten by new co-worker Summer (Zooey Deschanel). He believes in the possibility of soul mates destined to meet, while she believes that true love is only a fairy tale never to be experienced, and so her interest in Tom is purely lighthearted fun. Gordon-Levitt' s and Deschanel's nuanced portrayals of roller coaster love and the mercurial, ungraspable object of one's affection almost move this story out of romantic comedy and into tragedy. The comedic tone, vigorous shots, and effervescent music keep it light in the most satisfying way.
Spirit of Giving
Several times throughout our meal the couple beside us caught our eye and smiled or nodded along with the song as Comfort sang. I will say, she wasn't singing loudly or I would have nipped this in the bud. Instead it was just loud enough that the tables just contiguous to us could 'enjoy'.
This same couple came back from their trip to get dessert with an extra banana. I didn't even know this place had real fruit but the woman explained that she always asked for one to make herself a banana split and they had given her two. She asked if we'd like the other. Comfort was busy singing but Joy enjoyed half of that banana very nicely.
As we were leaving they asked Comfort her name at which point she told them how old she was, we're still working on appropriate responsese to questions, and asked if they could give her something. I figured it would be some little token or toy so I said yes. The woman fished in her purse and pulled out a crisp dollar bill and told Comfort she could use it to buy herself something. Comfort passed it along to me and we said thank you, very much and good night.
So, have you painted yourself a picture of the couple that was sitting next to us at dinner? Can you see them? You think they are someone's grandparents and the woman was carrying a big purse and maybe had bouffant blue hair. The man was tall and lanky and walked with a cane.
Actually, they were in their mid-20's. They were talking on their cell phones part of the meal. The woman's purse was not much bigger than my hand - or her phone! Her eye shadow was bright blue - which is apparently back in style from the 70s - and her clothes were super trendy. He was dressed comfortably but definitely with care.
And my point here isn't that Comfort needed to have that dollar. It's that they needed to give it. If I'd said, "Oh, that's too generous of you," and handed it back - I'm sending a message that giving isn't worth the trouble. It was too generous of them but I can appreciate their expression and we won't just let Comfort buy anything with it but someday when she's old enough I'll have a really great story to tell her and, yes, maybe there will be a trip for an ice cream cone this week, too.
Wonderful Wednesday
FREE Hawaiian Tropic Sun Care Sample
FREE cup or cone of ice cream at TCBY on Father's Day
Sign up for the Lego Jr. Club for Ages under 6 and get 2 FREE years of LEGO Magazine
Box Tops for Education Racing Mom Sweepstakes is giving away 10,000 extra Box Tops [5,000 1 st place, 3,000 2nd place, and 3,000 3rd place] Enter every day until the end of the Month for a chance to win for your school.
Parenting Magazines 31 Days of Mom Giveaways - Each day has a different giveaway and enters you into the Grand Prize Giveaway of a trip to Mexico. There are only a few days in May left but make sure you get your name in the hat.
And don't forget to put it on your calendar for Friday to sign up for your coupon from Mars. They are giving away FREE chocolate every Friday through the summer. It takes up to 6 weeks for the coupon to reach you but it's FREE chocolate and in my world that is definitely a Cool Idea!
Gift Cards are Coming In!
MyPoints is a points per click or purchase system. [check out their site because it's easier than I'll be able to explain] and I've been signed up since summer when I saw a post on Deal Seeking Mom, I think. I especially make sure to click through when I'm going to be making a purchase on eBay because there are always extra bonus points for buying on eBay. I've cashed out points for Barnes and Noble gift cards and Panera gift cards. I figure this will be a nice treat for myself or a good date night for us when the school year is over and we can get out together again.
So, if you have those odd moments in your day that are free or you don't mind 5-10 extra emails in your account every day give it a shot and let the points start adding up. Then you can use them for something great for yourself, add them to your household account or use them as a gift for someone else. Whatever you choose it's another Cool Idea out there to try!
Coupons from Kraft Foods
Sign up for great coupons and recipes through the Kraft Community! This would be a great week to take advantage of extra coupons especially since there weren't any in the newspaper. Click on the link and get started on the Cool Ideas that are available from Kraft!
Huggies on Sale at Babies R Us
2 Mega or Jumbo Packs of HUGGIES® Diapers, PULL-UPS® Training Pants or GoodNites® Underpants at Babies"R"Us or Toys"R"Us!
Re-stock at
Traveling with Kids: Get Ready, Get Set, Go!
When Comfort and Joy were tiny we relied on the fact that they'd sleep all the time, but now that we have 2 toddlers we are much more careful about what time of the day we leave for a trip and where we'll stop for meals and breaks.
We found out last year that Chick-fil-A has a trip planner on their website that lists whether there is a playground at the facility. Plug in your start and ending destination and it'll tell you all the Chick-fil-A's on your route!! Go to restaurant locator/ plan a trip. We also like stopping at Chick-fil-A because the kid's meals offer fruit and milk at no extra charge, there are table toppers and the staff are always available to offer an extra hand! Oh, and books are in the kids meals instead of toys and that's a bonus for us.
Another great idea was one that I just heard from my mom - who arrived today! They drove straight through from Texas to Virginia and said the best rest stop they'd ever seen was in Arkansas. Not only was there fresh coffee and the regular amenities but there was chilled apple sauce, Gerber Graduates juice and Gerber Graudates meals for kids as well. There may have been other kid related items but it was nearly closing time when they got there and mom felt bad that they'd had the woman brew a fresh pot of coffee.
Here are just a couple of great, kid and family friendly ideas that make traveling a little bit easier. Sure, most of us pack our own food and snacks for our trips but we all know that at some point you have to get out of the car and stretch your legs. We also know that things happen. Snacks get left behind or eaten by a ravenous toddler in a major growth spurt. And then again, sometimes we just need a few minutes not in the confines of a moving vehicle with our darling ones. For those times we welcome these Cool Ideas! If' you've seen other Cool Kid Travel Tips I'd love to hear about them.
Coupons and Huggies Points
Also, word is that the Kraft coupons have been reloaded in the bar. Go on over and get them printed before they run out.
Dinner Solution Software Giveway from $5 Dinners
The Dinner Solution: Menu Planning and Freezer Cooking Made Simple is a unique meal planning program that allows you to plan out your meals on a calendar and print custom grocery lists. With a few clicks of your mouse, you can plan out a week of meals in minutes.
Plan your dinners and side dishes out on our calendar a week or a month at a time
Easily enter any of the recipes or menus from $5 Dinners!
- Add your own recipes or use the family-friendly recipes we’ve already included!
- With the click of a button, print a complete grocery list — sorted by store aisle and store name!
- Print a “What’s For Dinner” fridge report so you and your family can easily see what’s on the menu that week!
- Do your own at-home Freezer Meal assembly sessions in a snap!
And more! - Using The Dinner Solution for just 10 minutes a week, you can easily:
- Save hundreds of dollars a year on your grocery bill
- Save hundreds of hours a year of your precious time
- Feed your family healthier home-cooked meals (and lose weight if you need to!)
- Reduce your stress level – meal planning actually becomes fun!
- The system makes it so easy to get dinner on the table, you will wonder how you ever managed without it!!!
Personally, I think this sounds like a Very Cool Idea and a great marriage of technology and family. I'd love to have my family recipes and new-found favorites in the same place. I'd also love to put the once-a-month cooking I do in one place with our regular cooking. One place for everything as opposed to the 2 binders that are currently running my life. [I think organization may be a resolution for next year!]
So, run over to $5 Dinners and sign up for this giveaway. I have a feeling that we'll all be wanting to learn more about this and we'll be envious of whomever actually wins. Bon Chance.
More Cool Stuff From Huggies
Resolution Recap
Here, again, were my resolutions:
- Do a better job with coupons and pantry stockpiling.
- Continue to find creative ways to cut expenses
- Meal planning/ smart planning
- Increase my income as a stay-at-home parent
- Find ways to live smarter in the balance between frugality and the environment
- [not sure yet but I feel like there's something still there to be explored - so I'm leaving room for one more]
So, #1: I'm still using The Grocery Game and according to the Kroger check out slip I'm averaging 45-50% off of my bill using coupons/ in-store discounts. It's not as great as seasoned, hard-core couponers but it's working for us right now. As for stockpiling we're doing great on Goldfish crax, TP, canned fruit, canned tomatoes, canned beans, and other assorted items we used less frequently.
#2: Cutting expenses has been harder since we'd already done a good job weeding through expenses in the past year but Cable gets nixed this month. The weather is nicer an we'll be spending more time together as family so no sense paying for staying in and watching TV. That'll save us $80/ month. I did notice that my newspaper subscription went up so I need to check out alternatives and see if there's a less expensive option. If not, decide if the savings at the grocery is worth the expense of the newspaper.
#3: Meal Planning/ Smart Planning: We definitely don't go out at the drop of a hat any more. I'm proud of that. I still don't have a handle on finding foods that Comfort and Joy will eat on a regular basis - other than pasta, chicken nuggets, hot dogs, quesadillas, etc - but then again they are toddlers. I've even toyed with putting the weekly menu plan here on the page so that it keeps me honest but then I'd really have to be ready each week and some weeks it's just not that well planned out;)
#4: This month I've had several good Mystery Shops!! I just finished 2 grocery store shops this week so I got some free groceries!! Two weeks ago I had a different kind of shop. It was a revealed shop, where I went in and checked out how the store had the products placed. I made under $10 for 15 mins work but it all helped. Also, I cashed in some points from My Points and Opinion Outpost. The survey points paid in cash and it was enough for the babysitter the day I got my haircut. The MyPoints paid in gift cards so I'll have enough for a good book from B&N and lunch at Panera. These are the ways that I've traded my time for money. Time I have while I sit with the kids and money I need:)
#5: It turns out that I think I'm more in tune with things in the environment than I thought I was. This isn't a bad thing. I've enjoyed the seasonal shift that meant that I had more time to do laundry and I've enjoyed that the Farmer's Market is open and the CSA is providing us with yummy good stuff. This week we opted for carrots that had gotten caught in a freeze. They aren't pretty since they split open but they'll taste just as good in a salad and they were half off. Comfort and Joy are pretty easy to please when it comes to things like this.
And now we're in the middle of May. Books are being read. Dinners are being cooked. Kids grow up. School is almost done. It's all amazing and definitely Cool. Hang on with me because we're almost half way through the year.
Bonus Box Tops for Education in May
The Avalanche of Freebies
Also, I've started to be miserly about snagging the free crayons we rarely use when leave restaurants. I'm going to bundle these up in baggies and send them to the shelter as well since many of the women come in with small children and new shiny crayons would be a nice treat in a sad situation.
And lastly, I made a bundle last week of the diaper samples that I'd received that were in sizes we couldn't use and these will also go to the shelter. Every little bit helps. If you recieve samples that you can't or won't use instead of allowing it to just take up room in your own house driving you nuts or taking space from things you might need to store, pass it on to someone who could use it now. This is particular helpful especially in these economic times. Non-profits are struggling for donations. Our neighbors are struggling, too. It's a Cool Idea to share what we can, when we can.
Wonderful Wednesday
FREE sample of Dove Energy Glow Moisturizer
FREE sample of Nescafe Taster's Choice Stick Pack
Rebate for FREE wedge of Alouette Baby Brie Wedge
Also, don't forget to enter the Parenting Magazine Mom Giveaways every day this month
A Day to Remember
Benefits of a Cold and Wet May
- Great for the flowers and other plants that have just been put in. Personally I'm horrible with plants so I rely on Mother Nature to take care of them. If she's doing good work they they are likely to live a better life.
- The Water Table will rise. Central Virginia is not a drought prone area but we have had some pretty dry summers lately and the only reason that we dodged full-on water restrictions was because we had excessively wet springtimes. Seriously. Last April [or May, I can't remember] was one of the wettest months on record and it got us through one of the driest summers on record.
- Respite from achingly high temperatures and it becomes much easier to keep to our resolution to keep the air conditioner off until June. Sure, the ceiling fans are on but they are on in the wintertime, too. So, good for our power bill and the environment.
- As the seasonal mold count increases and sinus headaches increase it's a good time to curl up under the quilt [because it's a bit cooler] and read a good book. I treated myself to a Nora Roberts reissue today which will go on my TBR stack.
Mother's Day help from Restaurant.Com
Friday Chocolate!!
Organic Food Doesn't have to be Expensive
Wonderful Wednesday is Back!
Do you Book Club?
Learning is Local
I asked DH about it today. It turns out she'd asked about it a couple of weeks ago when they were stopped at the same light and that was the phrase he'd used to explain it to her. It's a perfect understanding for her at the age of 3 and in future years there will be plenty of time for us to teach her about the history of slavery, our city's participation in it and the issues that our city, country and world still grapple with daily.
Savings of May
Also, here are some great recipes to sign up for from Pillsbury. Always some wonderful coupons hidden in these recipe booklets
Need some ideas for your kitchen? Here you go!! Get it while you can. These go fast.