Community Service no Matter the Season

Winter is turning to spring early - or at least briefly - here in central Virginia and with that our hearts and minds automatically turn to Community Service. How can we lend a helping hand to those around us in need? Right?

Oh, you already did that. When? At the holidays. I'm glad. I really am. But non-profits still need help all through the year and it's important for us to remain engaged and continue to participate and give both our time and our energies. 

If you have a non-profit that you work with but haven't been in touch yet this year give them a call and see what they need. See what their programming is like during this time of the year. See what you can get involved with. You might be pleasantly surprised.

If you don't have a group that you stay connected with this could be a great opportunity to reach out into your community and find a group that does work that you admire or that you wish you could help with. If you want to help kids learn to read try calling the elementary school in your neighborhood. If you think kids need time to learn art, then try the local arts council. If you want to teach ESL try a church in your area. If you want to help animals, try the SPCA. 

If you want to do something physical and also connect with people then this is the time of the year for you. Check out March for Babies for an event in your area. Or Race for the Cure. Or the Avon 3 Day Walk

There are literally thousands of ways in which you can bring your life into the community. Find at least one and build a habit. Being part of the solution is always a Cool Idea!


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