Resolutions for 2010

It's Tuesday - in case anyone is keeping track - so I'm a day late posting this. Joy was helping me cook dinner yesterday, and the pizza dough was having trouble rising in our amazingly cold kitchen, so everything took just a bit longer than anticipated. I do love that she's helpful but I'm constantly reminding her that things are hot. At least she can say that word!

So, my resolutions. Well, I haven't really do a lot of thinking about them. Meal Planning is still an issue so that goes back on the list. Income is still an issue so that goes back on the list. My writing has always been an issue but I've only just named it publicly so I'm finally going to put it on the list. Living Smart is part of who I am and who I want to continue to be so I'm moving it from 'resolutions' to 'goals'.

What does that leave:
1. Get serious about meal planning.
2. Continue to come up with creative solutions to add to my SAHM income.
3. I am a great writer. Whether it's non-fiction, blogging, birthday cards, or fiction. I need to make sure I give myself time to do what I enjoy.

There. That feels do-able and like a list I can continue to be accountable for throughout the year. I hope you'll stick around and see how it goes. Already I have a few ideas to get started. And if you have tips and tricks that work for you, I'd love to hear them. We all know I could use some help here and sharing what we know already works is always a Cool Idea!


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